VU is the most popular software of our line of products in scientific visualization. It combines performance, configurability and respect of the computed numerical data.

Its main features are:
  • Structured, unstructured and hybrid meshes
  • Scalar, vector and symmetric tensor fields
  • Non-restricted number of solution fields
  • Cutting planes at arbitrary orientations, indicated by the user or modified interactively
  • Combination of different fields of the solution as mathematical expressions
  • Isosurfaces of any variable or any mathematical expression defining a secondary variable
  • On-the-fly calculation and interactive control of streamlines and particles injection
  • Integration across the boundaries of blocks or meshes
  • Reading and animation of several files to study transient phenomena, to follow the evolution of an adaptive mesh or to illustrate the parametric study of the solution.
  • etc. For more information, see the complete list of features.
Some functions of VU can be called by user programs in order to:
  • read user-specific file formats,
  • interpolate a solution for specification of initial conditions on a second mesh,
  • share data in memory between VU and a program (solver, mesher, etc.) for visual monitoring.

A light version of VU offers the same features for data files of no more than 1 million elements in generic data formats.